Hi all,
I think I found some behaviour of Stata 16 vs Stata 17 which I do not understand and is worrisome. In short, it seems inverting matrices in Stata 16 and Stata 17 leads to different results. This applies to a range of commands as for example regress.

Let me show the differences with the following example using the jasa2 dataset. I load the data, recast the variables as doubles (the variables are in floats, but it does not make a difference, just to be sure), calculate the cross-section averages for the variables c, p and y and regress those on c for the first cross-sectional unit (unit 111). I make sure that both run using version 16 (the entire do file is also attached):

set varabbrev on

use http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/j/jasa2.dta, clear

recast double y c p

*** balance data
keep if year >=1962
drop if id == 124

*** gen csa
by year, sort: egen m_c = mean(c)
by year, sort: egen m_p = mean(p)
by year, sort: egen m_y = mean(y)

version 16: reg c m_y m_p m_c if id == 111, noconst
In Stata 16 I obtain the following results (only coefficient estimates):

           c |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
         m_y |  -.1771661   .1791667    -0.99   0.331    -.5436031    .1892708
         m_p |   -.450618   .0929712    -4.85   0.000    -.6407655   -.2604704
         m_c |   1.013109   .1853195     5.47   0.000     .6340876    1.392129
while in 17 I obtain:
           c | Coefficient  Std. err.      t    P>|t|     [95% conf. interval]
         m_y |  -.1771761   .1791672    -0.99   0.331    -.5436142    .1892619
         m_p |  -.4506153   .0929712    -4.85   0.000    -.6407627    -.260468
         m_c |   1.013119   .1853201     5.47   0.000     .6340968    1.392141
As it turns out, the results are different! The differences are small, but they can matter and both command lines should (at least to my understanding) produce the same results. I cross-checked the averages I created and they are the same. Same is true for the data.

Then I looked a bit deeper into the problem. The correlation is the following:

corr y m_y m_p m_c if id == 111
             |        c      m_y      m_p      m_c
           c |   1.0000
         m_y |   0.9879   1.0000
         m_p |   0.3064   0.4234   1.0000
         m_c |   0.9933   0.9972   0.4005   1.0000
I do see that the correlation between c and m_y and m_c is large and there is a potential multicollinearity issue (though not here, see below), but I would expect that the results between Stata 16 and 17 are the same.

Furthermore I compared results using my own partialling out program in mata (see further below) and the results differ as well. The matrix I am inverting has full rank though. To me it looks like the difference arises in the matrix inversion. I checked invsym, qrinv, pinv, cholinv and the difference still exists. I know that there have been updates to the mata routines using LAPAK by using the Intel Math Kernel Library. Is this the reason for the differences?

Why is this important? I am working a lot with models with cross-section dependence where the dependence is removed by cross-section averages. Obtaining different results using different versions of Stata is not good news at all! Is anyone able to replicate the results? Do I miss something very important? Any ideas and/or suggestions are welcome.

For further analysis, this is the mata partialling out program I mentioned above.
set matastrict off

capture mata mata drop partialout()
    function partialout (  string scalar X2_n,
                                    string scalar X1_n,
                                    string scalar touse,
                                    string scalar id_n,
                                    real matrix b,
                                    real matrix ranks)

        real matrix X1
        real matrix X2
        real matrix X1_i
        real matrix X2_i
        real scalar id
        rk = 0
        id = st_data(.,id_n,touse)
        index = panelsetup(id,1)
        ids = rows(index)
        running = 1
        b = J(0,cols(X1),.)
        ranks = J(0,1,.)
        while (running<=ids) {
            X1_i = panelsubmatrix(X1,running,index)

            X1X1 = quadcross(X1_i,X1_i)
            X1X2 = quadcross(X1_i,X2_i)
            ranks = ranks \ (rank(X1X1):==cols(X1X1))
            //partial out
            bi = quadcross(invsym(X1X1),X1X2)

            b = b \ bi'
            X2_i[.,.] = (X2_i - X1_i*bi)

mata partialout("c_p","m_c m_p m_y","touse","id",bi=.,ranks=.)
sum c_p
Stata 16 produces:
    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. Dev.       Min        Max
         c_p |        736    3.19e-10    .0606316  -.2358852   .2282257
and Stata 17:
    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
         c_p |        736   -2.54e-10    .0606315  -.2358854   .2282266
The first observations for c_p in Stata 16 and 17 are:
Stata 16:
Once again, small but noticeable differences. If you look at the mata matrix ranks, it shows that all matrices are full rank and bi has differences between Stata 16 and 17.