Dear all,
I am trying to import ASCII files to Stata. The problem is that there are two ASCII files describing panel data; File1 containing information regarding more than 4000 companies and their activity. They are two files. Another file (File2) provides the time period for which the variables in the first file have been requested.
I have different doubts because this is the first time I deal with such kind of data:
In the first term, I transformed to .csv file and imported File1, following the procedure:
import delimited "file1", encoding(UTF-8)
I have seen that one recommendation is to create a data dictionary or automate the creation of the variables. However, the result is a table with unnamed variables and not fitting with the variables to describe. Can it be the solution to this problem?
In the second term, do I have to import first the two files to create a panel structure, or do you recommend creating separately and merging in a second step?
Finally, if you can recommend me some lecture or reference about this procedure, I will be pleased.
Thank you very much for your attention.