it is the first time I use GMM and xtabond2.
Playing around with the syntax, after reading the paper of Roodman (2009, How to do xtabond2), I recognized that orthogonal is applicable as an option and as an suboption within the gmmstyle() option.
Imagine, for instance, a twoway difference GMM with Windmeijer’s finite-sample correction for the two-step covariance matrix.
I've read in Roodman (2009) that you usually use forward orthogonal deviations transforming instead of differencing if the panel is unbalanced.
Therefore, assuming unbalanced data in a simple model with a predetermined lagged dependent variable (l.y) and two endogenous explanatory variables, x1 and x2, as well as an exogenous time dummy the code would be:
xtabond2 y l.y x1 x2 year1-year10, gmm(l.y, collapse lag(1 .)) gmm(x1 x2, collapse lag(2. )) iv(year1-10) noleveleq twoway robust orthogonal
xtabond2 y l.y x1 x2 year1-year10, gmm(l.y, collapse orthogonal lag(1 .)) gmm(x1 x2, collapse orthogonal lag(2. )) iv(year1-10) noleveleq twoway robust orthogonal
However, what exactly does the orthogonal suboption in the gmmstyle() option do?
Applying this to my data I do get very different results using the suboption compared to the example without it. Particularly using the suboption of orthogonal in my gmmystyle() options allows me to NOT reject the Arellano-Bond test for AR(2) in first differences, whereas I have to reject it without the orthogonal suboption.
Thanks for any comments

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