Dear Statalisters,

could you please help with a conundrum I have not been able to resolve myself.

The code below creates a properly formatted docx table of summary stats of the auto data.
My problem is that when I try to force the formatting of certain variables to %12.0fc it works for some rows but not others. It seems to be related to the numbers taking up relatively more spaces but I thought that 12 should be enough. I experimented with other total numbers of spaces: 9,10 but it does not help.
I have put !!! in the comments before the lines of code not working as expected.

version 16
set more off
sysuse auto, clear

* create a new var called model to add a nested structure to the data
gen model = substr(make,1,strpos(make," ")-1)
* Subaru is the only one with a single word
replace model = make if make == "Subaru" 
* remove full stops
replace model = subinstr(model,".","",.)
la var model "Model"

* collect all num vars in a macro
ds, has(type numeric)
local vars r(varlist)
* save number of obs in a macro to report in a single line at the bottom of the summary stats table
qui count 
local obs = r(N)
* save number of models in a macro as well
qui levelsof model, l(models) clean
local count_models: word count `models'
* start docx file
putdocx begin
qui tabstat `vars', stats(mean sd min p50 max) save
mat out = r(StatTotal)'
local rows = rowsof(out)
local cols = colsof(out)
* fill an auxilliary matrix with the two counts to add at the bottom
matrix add = J(2,5,.)
matrix add[1,1] = `count_models'
matrix add[2,1] = `obs'
mat out = out \ add
*matlist out

* add table to file 
putdocx table tbl = matrix(out), rownames colnames nformat(%12.3fc) 
putdocx table tbl(.,.), font("Times New Roman") border(all, nil) halign(center)
* name columns
putdocx table tbl(1,1) = ("Variable names"), font("Times New Roman") halign(center)
putdocx table tbl(1,2) = ("Mean"), font("Times New Roman") halign(center)
putdocx table tbl(1,3) = ("Std. Dev."), font("Times New Roman") halign(center)
putdocx table tbl(1,5) = ("Median"), font("Times New Roman") halign(center)
* name rows with var labels
local c = 2
foreach v of local vars {
local lab: var lab `v'
putdocx table tbl(`c',1)= ("`lab'"), font("Times New Roman")
local ++c
* adjust formatting of certain variables and columns as needed
* !!! price is not working
putdocx table tbl(2,.), nformat(%12.0fc)
* !!! this one works for all other vars except weight
forv i = 4/6 {
putdocx table tbl(.,`i'), nformat(%9.0fc)
* add the model and make labels
local c = `rows' + 2
putdocx table tbl(`c',1) = ("Models"), font("Times New Roman")
putdocx table tbl(`c',.), nformat(%6.0fc)
* replace the missing dots with blanks on that row
forv i = 3/6 {
putdocx table tbl(`c',`i') = ("")
* go to next row
local ++c
putdocx table tbl(`c',1)= ("Makes"), font("Times New Roman")
putdocx table tbl(`c',.), nformat(%6.0fc)
forv i = 3/6 {
putdocx table tbl(`c',`i') = ("")
* add borders
putdocx table tbl(1,.), border(top, thick) border(bottom, single) border(start, nil) border(end, nil)
local last = rowsof(out) + 1
putdocx table tbl(`last',.), border(bottom, thick) border(start, nil) border(end, nil)
* close and save
putdocx save sysauto_summ_stats, replace
What works is to not add a nformat option in the initial *add table to file line

putdocx table tbl = matrix(out), rownames colnames
and format the other lines separately:
* adjust format of remaining lines in cols 2 and 3
local last = `rows' + 1
forv c = 3/`last' {
putdocx table tbl(`c',2), nformat(%9.3fc)
putdocx table tbl(`c',3), nformat(%9.3fc)
This solution seems not very elegant to me and I still do not see why the original approach does not work. Any suggestion to make this code more compact and efficient are also very welcome.

Thank you!