I am running difference GMM to eliminate known reverse causality between my dependent variable (ihsdti) and my main independent variable of interest (happy1). I have 5088 groups and only 59 instruments, but my Hansen test still came back 0.000. I also flunked AR[2].
I collapsed instruments (which worked in a previous specification with a slightly different calculation for my dependent variable), and increased the lag dependent variable to L2. This corrected my AR[2] issue, but my Hansen test is still 0.000.
Any help on my Hansen test problem is much appreciated.
Here are the results:
. xtabond2 ihsdti L2.ihsdti L(1/1)happy1 L(1/1)age L(1/1)age2 L(1/1)child L(1/1)race L(1/1)married L(1/1)widow L(1/1)divse > p L(1/1)employd L(1/1)unemploy L(1/1)edu1 L(1/1)lnrinc15 L(1/1)numfam year13 year15 year17 year19, iv(year13 year15 year > 17 year19) gmm(L.lndti L.happy1 L.age L.age2 L.child L.race L.married L.widow L.divsep L.employd L.unemploy L.edu1 L.lnr > inc15 L.numfam, collapse) noleveleq robust Favoring space over speed. To switch, type or click on mata: mata set matafavor speed, perm. year17 dropped due to collinearity Warning: Two-step estimated covariance matrix of moments is singular. Using a generalized inverse to calculate robust weighting matrix for Hansen test. Difference-in-Sargan/Hansen statistics may be negative. Dynamic panel-data estimation, one-step difference GMM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Group variable: id Number of obs = 11268 Time variable : year Number of groups = 5088 Number of instruments = 59 Obs per group: min = 0 Wald chi2(0) = . avg = 2.21 Prob > chi2 = . max = 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Robust ihsdti | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ihsdti | L2. | -.0050029 .0210653 -0.24 0.812 -.0462901 .0362844 | happy1 | L1. | .0000441 .0132605 0.00 0.997 -.025946 .0260342 | age | L1. | .0080277 .0482873 0.17 0.868 -.0866136 .102669 | age2 | L1. | .0000109 .0001968 0.06 0.956 -.0003747 .0003966 | child | L1. | .0028104 .047455 0.06 0.953 -.0901996 .0958205 | race | L1. | 23.59687 14.92014 1.58 0.114 -5.646055 52.8398 | married | L1. | .6248527 .248282 2.52 0.012 .1382288 1.111477 | widow | L1. | -1.450568 1.060808 -1.37 0.171 -3.529713 .628577 | divsep | L1. | .6696009 .3496698 1.91 0.055 -.0157393 1.354941 | employd | L1. | -.125849 .046303 -2.72 0.007 -.2166013 -.0350968 | unemploy | L1. | -.0541125 .0439053 -1.23 0.218 -.1401654 .0319404 | edu1 | L1. | .501768 .2192204 2.29 0.022 .0721038 .9314322 | lnrinc15 | L1. | -.0095542 .0186659 -0.51 0.609 -.0461387 .0270302 | numfam | L1. | .0594206 .0500564 1.19 0.235 -.0386881 .1575293 | year13 | .1096201 .1721624 0.64 0.524 -.2278119 .4470522 year15 | .0634726 .0856652 0.74 0.459 -.104428 .2313733 year19 | -.0411584 .0851321 -0.48 0.629 -.2080143 .1256974 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Instruments for first differences equation Standard D.(year13 year15 year17 year19) GMM-type (missing=0, separate instruments for each period unless collapsed) L(1/5).(L.lndti L.happy1 L.age L.age2 L.child L.race L.married L.widow L.divsep L.employd L.unemploy L.edu1 L.lnrinc15 L.numfam) collapsed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Arellano-Bond test for AR(1) in first differences: z = -4.33 Pr > z = 0.000 Arellano-Bond test for AR(2) in first differences: z = 0.19 Pr > z = 0.853 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sargan test of overid. restrictions: chi2(42) = 139.84 Prob > chi2 = 0.000 (Not robust, but not weakened by many instruments.) Hansen test of overid. restrictions: chi2(42) = 143.47 Prob > chi2 = 0.000 (Robust, but weakened by many instruments.) Difference-in-Hansen tests of exogeneity of instrument subsets: iv(year13 year15 year17 year19) Hansen test excluding group: chi2(39) = 133.51 Prob > chi2 = 0.000 Difference (null H = exogenous): chi2(3) = 9.96 Prob > chi2 = 0.019
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