hello and good day, I am using Local projection method and I want to export the result of my regression in the thesis format that is need just "coefficient and std and observation , R2 and reprent the Pvalue. but I do not know how? i am so thankful to recieve your advice.

xtset ifscode year
local hmax = 5

forvalues h = 0/`hmax' {
    gen tot_birth`h' = f`h'.tot_birth 
local hmax = 5

eststo clear
cap drop b u d Years Zero
gen Years =_n-1 if _n<=`hmax'
gen Zero = 0   if _n <=`hmax'
gen b=0
gen u=0
gen d=0
forv h = 0/`hmax' {

asdoc reghdfe tot_birth`h' l(0/2)dum_pan l(1/2)tot_birth , absorb( i.ifscode i.year) vce(cluster ifscode)
replace b = _b[dum_pan]                    if _n == `h'+1
replace u = _b[dum_pan] + 1.645* _se[dum_pan]  if _n == `h'+1
replace d = _b[dum_pan] - 1.645* _se[dum_pan]  if _n == `h'+1
I want my report was something like this that was mentioned:


that show me lags of the dependent and independent variable and other things i mention.

many thanks