I am trying to merge two data sets the common variable I want to use use is id. I get this error when combining data sets: merge 1:1 id using "C:\Users\Owner\Documents\data.dta"
(note: variable id was long, now double to accommodate using data's values)


input double     id long scugrad2010 int 
100654  4940  856 4898.5269
100663 11028 1578 4957.7349
100690   352    8 4492.8569
100706  6005  652 4892.0483
100724  4882 1102 4432.0298
100751 24420 5703 4358.6216
100760  2447  587 4388.7202
dataset 2:

input double id int year byte
          219505 2010 1
          219578 2010 1
          219587 2010 1
          219596 2010 1
          219602 2010 1
          219639 2010 1