Hi everybody. Apologies for any newbie mistakes in my post, I'm new both to Stata and this forum.

I know this question was answered already on multiple occasions, however, I could not use the already given solutions for my case.

My issue is that I have missing data for certain dates, I would like to range x-axis (date) from 2014m9 to 2020m10.

date bitcoin
2014m9 386.944
2014m10 338.321
2014m11 378.047
2014m12 320.193
2015m1 217.464

the following were some of my attempts.
line bitcoin date || tsline date if inrange(date 2014m9/2020m10)
line bitcoin date || tsline date if inrange(107 180 74)

I ultimately tried to generate a new date variable
gen btcdate= date range 2014m9 2020m10 [74]
gen btcdate= date range 107 180 [74]

but this option attempt didn't work either, Stata kept issuing the error message "invalid range"
Please let me know if you have a solution

(this is just a section of the dataset, let me know if you need the full version)