Dear Statalist friends,

I am unexperienced with most statistical methods and Stata and I need some help. I want to examine if scores on a questionnaire X differ between three pre-specified age groups and if the effect of age groups depends on weight status. I wanted to test this using a two-way ANOVA, but my data is non-normal. I then came across the possibility of performing a "robust ANOVA" but I could not find a command for that in Stata. The only command I could find was "anovalator" but it is not an official command to my understanding. Is there another command I could use? Or can I use "regress X i.Agegroup##1.Weightstatus, ice(robust)" ? would that be the equivalent? Any help is highly appreciated. As I am specifically interested in the interaction effect, I can not use a Kruskal Wallis and I am not aware of any other non-parametric tests that allows for interaction effects.

Many thanks!