I am pretty new to Stata and try to reshape my Data to long format.
My Dataset ist from Datastream including Date, Total Return Index, Company Name and RIC.
I followed this guide https://researchfinancial.wordpress....om-datastream/ to import my Data into Stata. The Excel-Spreadsheet that I try to upload looks exactly like the Picture of Step 9 (I just have a larger Dataset). The import works fine but when I try to reshape my variables I am getting an error.
This is how my Spreadsheet looks like
Date | company1 | company2 | company3 | company4 |
01.12.2019 | 1 | 2.5 | 0.8 | 65 |
01.11.2019 | 1.2 | 2 | 1.9 | 50 |
Step 1: import excel "C:\Users\Lenart\Desktop\CA 1.xlsx", sheet("Tabelle1") firstrow allstring Step 2: reshape long company, i(Date) j(price) Error: variable price contains all missing values
Thanks for the help.
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