
I want to use a ipolate command to create monthly GDP estimates from quarterly data.

My data looks like this:

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input long gdp float date
399999 396
417626 399
399018 402
440858 405
427460 408
445635 411
421138 414
472990 417
464913 420
483376 423
format %tm date
I have used
gen date = mofd(dofq(qdate))
to get the monthly variables but now I think I need to fill in the date variable with the rest of the months, as it only list 1990m1, 1990m3, 1990m6 and so on now. Which would mean that gdp will have missing values in all the months that are filled in which would look something like this.
date gdp
1993m1 399999
1993m2 .
1993m3 .
1993m4 417626
1993m5 .
1993m6 .
I suppose only then I could use the ipolate command?

How could I achieve this, or is there another, advantageous way to interpolate this variable?
