Hi everyone,

I'm running simultaneous equation model (2 equations) but getting a weird result.
My apology that I can't disclose my sample data here since the data set is not a publicly available data.
But below is the equations that I'm running.

(Equation 1) Yit= βo1Xit2Zit3Kit4Hit+ui+ttit
(Equation 2) Xit= βo1Yit2Zit3Kit4Git5Rit+ui+ttit

The corresponding code would be:

xi: reg3 (eq_1: Y X Z K H i.u i.t) (eq_2: X Y Z K G R i.u i.t)

where i.u and i.t are unit and time fixed effect, respectively
My thought is that I expect I would get the same direction for both β1 in equation 1 and 2.
But when I run SEM, what I get is for β1 equation 1 is negative whereas for β1 equation 2 is positive.
I also checked the correlation between X and Y but it is positive.

I'm not sure it's because something's wrong with my data set or I'm wrongly using SEM.
I appreciate your help in advance.