hello everyone,
I am using Stata 16, and for my research model, I am using -clogit- to run my model as:
clogit Dep_var Var1 Var2 Var3 i.year i.industry, group(id)
Now I wanted to compute the marginal effects as:
margins  Var2
But whenever I do this, I get the following error:
factor Var2 not found in list of covariates
Var 2 is a binary variable made up of 1 and 0, so I thought maybe margins command has some problem with discrete variable, so I tried with Var3 which is a continuous variable in my model. But this gives me another error:
 Var3:  factor variables may not contain noninteger values
I am just not sure what is going on anymore. I tried to read other posts and thread and could not find anything that helps my case. I have been stuck on this for sometime now, and I will be really grateful for any suggestions. Is there something very simple that i am missing?
