I doubt I am the first person to run into this issue, but when you pull time-series data from the OECD (in this case the short-term economic indicators), all the variables of interest become themselves a value of the variable "v2".
To illustrate:


subject       country       frequency     v10           powercodec~e  referencep~d  flags
v2            measure       v8            unitcode      powercode     value
location      v6            time          unit          referencep~e  flagcodes

tab v2
                                Subject |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
                 3 month interbank rate |      5,254        2.27        2.27
                      Broad money, s.a. |      7,288        3.15        5.42
                     Construction, s.a. |      9,329        4.03        9.44
    Consumer confidence indicator, s.a. |        437        0.19        9.63
             Consumer prices: all items |     16,771        7.24       16.87
    Current account as a % of GDP, s.a. |      4,046        1.75       18.62
Exchange rates,  monthly averages, Na.. |      8,407        3.63       22.25
                 Exports in goods, s.a. |     15,181        6.55       28.80
     GDP Exports; constant prices, s.a. |      5,334        2.30       31.11
GDP Government consumption expenditur.. |      5,302        2.29       33.40
GDP Gross fixed capital formation; co.. |      5,182        2.24       35.63
GDP Imports of goods and services; co.. |      5,334        2.30       37.94
GDP Private final consumption expendi.. |      5,338        2.30       40.24
Gross domestic product; constant pric.. |      5,334        2.30       42.54
   Hourly earnings: manufacturing, s.a. |     11,725        5.06       47.61
                 Imports in goods, s.a. |     15,174        6.55       54.16
            Industrial production, s.a. |     14,324        6.18       60.34
                Long-term interest rate |      5,253        2.27       62.61
Manufacturing - Confidence indicator,.. |      1,459        0.63       63.24
Monthly unemployment rate: all person.. |      4,964        2.14       65.38
                     Narrow money, s.a. |      7,677        3.31       68.70
               Overnight interbank rate |      4,926        2.13       70.82
      Passenger car registrations, s.a. |      3,429        1.48       72.30
     Permits issued for dwellings, s.a. |      7,006        3.02       75.33
       Producer prices - Manufacturing  |      8,186        3.53       78.86
            Retail trade (Volume), s.a. |     11,205        4.84       83.70
                           Share prices |      6,637        2.87       86.57
    Total employment: all persons, s.a. |      8,668        3.74       90.31
              Total manufacturing, s.a. |     14,146        6.11       96.42
  Unit labour cost: Total Economy, s.a. |      8,299        3.58      100.00
                                  Total |    231,615      100.00
Every variable of actual interest is listed as a value of v2, but obviously for any sort of analysis I would want to have each variable not as a value of v2 but as a variable by itself and then group them by time and country. However, I have absolutely no idea how to reformat this data, so how might I go about solving this?
