I want to calculate a weighted mean income for each state.

Here is a part of the sample. (I randomly chose the numbers)
state year returns income
AL 2017 53 1000
AL 2018 45 1100
AL 2019 63 1200
AK 2018 21 500
AK 2019 13 510
AZ 2016 57 700
AZ 2017 76 710
AZ 2018 79 720
AZ 2019 59 730

I have a formula for a weighed mean income for states: Sum of (each year' returns / total returns) * income

For Alabama, 53 / (53+45+63) *1000 + 45 / (53+45+63) *1100 + 63 / (53+45+63) *1200 = 1106.21

I want to create this below data set:
state year returns income WMincome
AL 2017 53 1000 1106.21
AL 2018 45 1100 1106.21
AL 2019 63 1200 1106.21
AK 2018 21 500 503.82
AK 2019 13 510 503.82
AZ 2016 57 700 715.17
AZ 2017 76 710 715.17
AZ 2018 79 720 715.17
AZ 2019 59 730 715.17

My final data set looks like this:
state WMincome
AL 1106.21
AK 503.82
AZ 715.17
Since I have 50 states, I could not do this manually. Please help me solve this problem.
