I have a matrix called matrix1 whose values are present and verified (e.g., using matrix list matrix1). I want to extract some of its elements to a table in Word. So I write a putdocx code as follows but it doesn't work:

putdocx clear
putdocx begin
putdocx table tbl1 = (2,1)
putdocx table tbl1(1,1) = ("The first extracted value is `matrix1[1,1]'")
putdocx table tbl1(2,1) = ("The second extracted value is `matrix1[2,2]'")
putdocx save "tbl1", replace
putdocx clear
The output is a 2x1 table with the texts but without matrix1 values. Can you tell me where the problem is?

EDIT: Found the solution in another similar question (of mine ).

putdocx clear
putdocx begin
putdocx table tbl1 = (2,1)
putdocx table tbl1(1,1) = ("The first extracted value is `=matrix1[1,1]'")
putdocx table tbl1(2,1) = ("The second extracted value is `=matrix1[2,2]'")
putdocx save "tbl1", replace
putdocx clear