I am facing a crucial problem during the estimation of a random effect in a mixed effect logistic regression from a repeated-cross sectional dataset. In the 2 picture, I have attached here, "Cluster Identity" and "Year of Interview" is taken as random effects (The box marked section). But I am too much confused about what will be the STATA command of this regression since there are 2 random effects at a time here. I have already tried with these two types of command but the STAT is saying "factors variables are not allowed in the random-effects equation" because of putting 'year of interview" variable as a random effect. But then how do this paper estimated the random effect of the year of interview and what can be the correct command?
The commands I have tried till now are:
1. (using cluster before year in the random effects' section of the command)
melogit stunted log_PCI i.Child_Age Child_Sex i.Woman_Age i.Region Residence Drinking_Water Mother_Height Work_of_Mother Work_of_Partner i.Household_Members Under5_Child i.Partner_Edu || Cluster_Identity: || Year_of_int: , or
2. (using year before cluster in the random effects' section of the command)
melogit stunted log_PCI i.Child_Age Child_Sex i.Woman_Age i.Region Residence Drinking_Water Mother_Height Work_of_Mother Work_of_Partner i.Household_Members Under5_Child i.Partner_Edu || Year_of_int: || Cluster_Identity: , or
But in the case of both commands, the STAT is saying "factors variables are not allowed in the random-effects equation" because of using putting 'year of interview" variable as a random effect. Now, what should I do? What is the correct command to estimate the random-effects of both of year of interview and cluster like the picture of the research paper I have attached here? Or, is there any fault in my commands? If so, then what is that fault? Please, help me. Thanks a lot in advance. Array Array
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