Dear All,
I have two questions on what models and Stata commands to use regarding the following two cases:
1. A crosssectional data and my response variable is proportion with values from 0 to 1, both inclusive?
2. A panel data and my response variable is proportion with values from 0 to 1, both inclusive?
Please note that the proportions come from the ratio cultivated acre of land divided by total acre of land available to a farmer.
My initial thought was to use beta regression, but then I realize that both 0 and 1 are included. In my readings from Statalist, I came across the fracreg and fracglm commands.
With regard to (1), the cross-sectional data, I would like to confirm betareg is not suitable and also which of fracreg and fracglm is more suitable.
With regards to (2), the panel data, I have not seen any command for it. Is there any that I can be referred to?
Thank you.
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