I would like to perform a regression within a loop and store the results in excel. Ideally the results should look like the file attached.
The problem is that I reached the attached file using estate and estate commands which I know have the problem of not storing more than 300 iteration results.
In particular the code I am using looks as follows:
forvalues i = 5(1)67{ forvalues n = 1(1)30{ use "/Users/federiconutarelli/Dropbox/Federico/data_atc3_new.dta", clear *set seed 1234 bysort idatc3 (Year): gen byte panelsize = _N quietly sum panelsize quietly drop if panelsize < r(max) quietly drop if atc3no == "D10B" | atc3no == "J6E"|atc3no == "V3C"| atc3no == "V3G"|atc3no == "B1X"|atc3no == "B2F" quietly drop idatc3 egen idatc3 = group(atc3no) xtset idatc3 Year, noquery quietly gen ln_sales = ln(sales) quietly gen ln_sales_lag = ln(L.sales) quietly gen ln_sales_fwd = ln(F.sales) quietly randomselect if nrecalls, gen(selected1) n(`i') quietly replace nrecalls = 0 if selected1 quietly gen recalls_normalized = (nrecalls/nprod)*100 quietly gen y = ln(salesmnf) quietly gen avg_prd_sq = (average_age_prodbyatc3)^2 quietly gen mean_agefirm_squared = (mean_agefirm)^2 quietly gen lag_recalls_normalized = L.recalls_normalized quietly gen lag2_recalls_normalized = L2.recalls_normalized eststo clear quietly eststo: xtreg y recalls_normalized lag_recalls_normalized lag2_recalls_normalized avg_prd_sq mean_agefirm_byatc mean_agefirm_squared hhi share_generics i.Year average_age_prodbyatc3, fe vce(cluster idatc3) esttab, drop(*Year _cons) quietly gen t_c = (_b[recalls_normalized]/_se[recalls_normalized]) quietly gen t_l = (_b[lag_recalls_normalized]/_se[lag_recalls_normalized]) quietly gen t_l2 = (_b[lag2_recalls_normalized]/_se[lag2_recalls_normalized]) **t è significant if it is greater than the absolute value of 1.96 local t_stats t_c[1] t_l[1] t_l2[1] local t_stats t_c[1] t_l[1] foreach t in `t_stats'{ if abs(`t') > 1.96{ *quietly count if nrecalls *local VarLocal = 69-`r(N)' display as err "Setting `i' recalls to 0, `t' becomes significant at the `t'th iteration " estimates store est_`i'_`n' local for_outreg `for_outreg' est_`i'_`n' } } } } label var recalls_normalized "Current recalls" label var avg_prd_sq "average prod. square" label var mean_agefirm_byatc "mean agefirm by atc" label var hhi "hhi" label var share_generics_1 "share of generic preoducts" label var lag_recalls_normalized "Recalls lagged once" label var lag2_recalls_normalized "Recalls lagged twice" eststo clear foreach i of var recalls_normalized lag_recalls_normalized lag2_recalls_normalized avg_prd_sq mean_agefirm_byatc mean_agefirm_squared hhi share_generics { esttab `for_outreg' using "/Users/federiconutarelli/Desktop/sign_estimates.csv", replace cells("b(fmt(4) star) p( par({ }) fmt(4))") mtitle("") nonumber noobs drop(*Year _cons) }
Thank you
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