Dear Statalist Community,

I am hopeful that you help me on this one as you did before.
I have a mistake in my code but cannot spot it.

I have a panel dataset that consists of 48 quarters from 31/12/2007 till 30/09/2019 and 28 countries.
There is a reform that took place in the beginning of 2015 concerning 19 countries and I would like to see its impact. I implemented difference in difference.
The panel is collapsed as it was not tabular, and xtset by country and time

I created a Period variable which will take 1 for all quarters starting from 1st quarter in 2015 and 0 before.
generate Period = 0 if (new_timeperiodorrange==1 | new_timeperiodorrange==2 | new_timeperiodorrange==3 | new_timeperiodorrange==4 | new_timeperiodorrange==5 | new_timeperiodorrange==6 | new_timeperiodorrange==7 | new_timeperiodorrange==8 | new_timeperiodorrange==13 | new_timeperiodorrange==14 | new_timeperiodorrange==15 | new_timeperiodorrange==16 | new_timeperiodorrange==17 | new_timeperiodorrange==18 | new_timeperiodorrange==19 | new_timeperiodorrange==25 | new_timeperiodorrange==26 | new_timeperiodorrange==27 | new_timeperiodorrange==28 | new_timeperiodorrange==29 | new_timeperiodorrange==30 | new_timeperiodorrange==31 | new_timeperiodorrange==37 | new_timeperiodorrange==38 | new_timeperiodorrange==39 | new_timeperiodorrange==40 | new_timeperiodorrange==41 | new_timeperiodorrange==42 | new_timeperiodorrange==43)
replace Period = 1 if (new_timeperiodorrange==9 | new_timeperiodorrange==10 | new_timeperiodorrange==11 | new_timeperiodorrange==12 | new_timeperiodorrange==20 | new_timeperiodorrange==21 | new_timeperiodorrange==22 | new_timeperiodorrange==23 | new_timeperiodorrange==24 | new_timeperiodorrange==32 | new_timeperiodorrange==33 | new_timeperiodorrange==34 | new_timeperiodorrange==35 | new_timeperiodorrange==36 | new_timeperiodorrange==44 | new_timeperiodorrange==45 | new_timeperiodorrange==46 | new_timeperiodorrange==47 | new_timeperiodorrange==48)
I created a treat variable which takes the value 1 for countries under the reform starting from 2015 and 0 for countries not under the reform starting from 2015.
generate treat=1 if ((new_referencearea==1 | new_referencearea==3 | new_referencearea==5 | new_referencearea==7 | new_referencearea==9 | new_referencearea==10 |  new_referencearea==11 | new_referencearea==12 | new_referencearea==14 | new_referencearea==17 | new_referencearea==18 | new_referencearea==19 | new_referencearea==20 | new_referencearea==21 | new_referencearea==22 | new_referencearea==23 | new_referencearea==25 | new_referencearea==28 | new_referencearea==29) & (new_timeperiodorrange==9 | new_timeperiodorrange==10 | new_timeperiodorrange==11 | new_timeperiodorrange==12 | new_timeperiodorrange==20 | new_timeperiodorrange==21 | new_timeperiodorrange==22 | new_timeperiodorrange==23 | new_timeperiodorrange==24 | new_timeperiodorrange==32 | new_timeperiodorrange==33 | new_timeperiodorrange==34 | new_timeperiodorrange==35 | new_timeperiodorrange==36 | new_timeperiodorrange==44 | new_timeperiodorrange==45 | new_timeperiodorrange==46 | new_timeperiodorrange==47 | new_timeperiodorrange==48))
replace treat=0 if ((new_referencearea==4 | new_referencearea==6 | new_referencearea==8 | new_referencearea==13 | new_referencearea==15 | new_referencearea==16 | new_referencearea==24 | new_referencearea==26 | new_referencearea==27) & (new_timeperiodorrange==9 | new_timeperiodorrange==10 | new_timeperiodorrange==11 | new_timeperiodorrange==12 | new_timeperiodorrange==20 | new_timeperiodorrange==21 | new_timeperiodorrange==22 | new_timeperiodorrange==23 | new_timeperiodorrange==24 | new_timeperiodorrange==32 | new_timeperiodorrange==33 | new_timeperiodorrange==34 | new_timeperiodorrange==35 | new_timeperiodorrange==36 | new_timeperiodorrange==44 | new_timeperiodorrange==45 | new_timeperiodorrange==46 | new_timeperiodorrange==47 | new_timeperiodorrange==48))
Then I created the DiD by multiplying the Period and treat, creating Period_treat
generate Period_treat = Period*treat
I run a hausman test and xtoverid test and FE is the way to go.
I understand that in FE model time invariant variables (treat) are omitted but Period should not be omitted. I tried also to run the model without FE and still Period and treat are omitted, which means there is a problem in my code. I tried different definitions for Period and treat but still the problem persists. Also, tried the interaction term between Period and treat and it is also omitted.

Can someone please help me identify the mistake?

. reg I3631_Coverage_ratio_A Period_treat Period treat A1100_Loans_and_advances_A Total_Liabi
> lities_A ROE_A  ROA_A  Debt_Securities_A  Total_Assets_A i.new_referencearea i.Time, vce (c
> luster new_referencearea)
note: Period omitted because of collinearity
note: treat omitted because of collinearity
note: 27.new_referencearea omitted because of collinearity

Linear regression                               Number of obs     =        439
                                                F(23, 26)         =          .
                                                Prob > F          =          .
                                                R-squared         =     0.8242
                                                Root MSE          =     4.7736

                                   (Std. Err. adjusted for 27 clusters in new_referencearea)
                           |               Robust
    I3631_Coverage_ratio_A |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
              Period_treat |   26.40972   2.225921    11.86   0.000     21.83428    30.98517
                    Period |          0  (omitted)
                     treat |          0  (omitted)
A1100_Loans_and_advances_A |  -3.50e-09   5.35e-09    -0.65   0.519    -1.45e-08    7.50e-09
       Total_Liabilities_A |   1.69e-08   5.15e-09     3.28   0.003     6.30e-09    2.75e-08
                     ROE_A |  -.5932689     .63963    -0.93   0.362    -1.908047    .7215094
                     ROA_A |   7.931393   7.675989     1.03   0.311    -7.846828    23.70961
         Debt_Securities_A |  -1.40e-07   9.69e-07    -0.14   0.887    -2.13e-06    1.85e-06
            Total_Assets_A |  -1.41e-08   3.31e-09    -4.25   0.000    -2.09e-08   -7.26e-09
         new_referencearea |
             BE (Belgium)  |  -7.546097   1.336614    -5.65   0.000    -10.29355   -4.798648
            BG (Bulgaria)  |   13.71833    4.52217     3.03   0.005     4.422876    23.01378
              CY (Cyprus)  |  -14.18068   1.913676    -7.41   0.000     -18.1143   -10.24706
      CZ (Czech Republic)  |  -.4291531   3.955256    -0.11   0.914    -8.559298    7.700992
             DE (Germany)  |   19.77372    14.2343     1.39   0.177    -9.485312    49.03275
             DK (Denmark)  |   5.143016   1.794059     2.87   0.008     1.455275    8.830757
             EE (Estonia)  |  -17.55299   3.769838    -4.66   0.000      -25.302   -9.803979
               ES (Spain)  |  -7.536704   6.426752    -1.17   0.252    -20.74708    5.673674
             FI (Finland)  |  -25.23638   1.295194   -19.48   0.000    -27.89869   -22.57407
              FR (France)  |  -.4810713   13.30886    -0.04   0.971    -27.83782    26.87568
      GB (United Kingdom)  |    7.91004   10.90463     0.73   0.475    -14.50475    30.32483
              GR (Greece)  |  -6.705464    1.67177    -4.01   0.000    -10.14184   -3.269091
             HR (Croatia)  |   28.96351   4.162181     6.96   0.000     20.40803      37.519
             HU (Hungary)  |   32.64777   5.624505     5.80   0.000     21.08643     44.2091
             IE (Ireland)  |  -18.67331    1.94267    -9.61   0.000    -22.66652   -14.68009
               IT (Italy)  |  -3.835743   4.010677    -0.96   0.348    -12.07981    4.408321
          LU (Luxembourg)  |  -21.76652    2.13112   -10.21   0.000     -26.1471   -17.38594
              LV (Latvia)  |  -23.35435   2.372446    -9.84   0.000    -28.23098   -18.47772
               MT (Malta)  |  -17.25479   2.264214    -7.62   0.000    -21.90895   -12.60063
         NL (Netherlands)  |  -20.52507   4.889536    -4.20   0.000    -30.57566   -10.47449
              PL (Poland)  |   21.50341   3.829923     5.61   0.000     13.63089    29.37593
            PT (Portugal)  |  -8.446582   1.725781    -4.89   0.000    -11.99397   -4.899189
             RO (Romania)  |   16.57896   4.650007     3.57   0.001     7.020738    26.13719
              SE (Sweden)  |          0  (omitted)
            SI (Slovenia)  |   1.911455    2.98924     0.64   0.528    -4.233016    8.055926
            SK (Slovakia)  |   2.865127   2.410635     1.19   0.245    -2.090004    7.820259
                      Time |
                    20269  |   .3252497   .5347412     0.61   0.548    -.7739265    1.424426
                    20361  |   .7219141   .8502811     0.85   0.404    -1.025864    2.469692
                    20453  |   1.384325   .9931123     1.39   0.175    -.6570464    3.425697
                    20544  |   1.352453   1.319414     1.03   0.315    -1.359641    4.064547
                    20635  |   1.510416   1.670778     0.90   0.374    -1.923918     4.94475
                    20727  |   1.122131   1.624416     0.69   0.496    -2.216904    4.461165
                    20819  |   1.214823   1.790773     0.68   0.504    -2.466163     4.89581
                    20909  |   1.783342   1.669986     1.07   0.295    -1.649363    5.216047
                    21000  |   1.864331   1.847858     1.01   0.322    -1.933996    5.662657
                    21092  |    2.21565   1.870559     1.18   0.247    -1.629339    6.060639
                    21184  |   .0140313   2.475975     0.01   0.996    -5.075408     5.10347
                    21274  |   2.175613   2.479799     0.88   0.388    -2.921686    7.272912
                    21365  |   .9468819   2.349925     0.40   0.690    -3.883458    5.777222
                    21457  |   1.095093   2.686052     0.41   0.687    -4.426166    6.616352
                    21549  |   1.154285   2.819219     0.41   0.686    -4.640704    6.949273
                    21639  |   2.131911   2.479525     0.86   0.398    -2.964825    7.228647
                    21730  |   1.833592   2.578084     0.71   0.483    -3.465735    7.132918
                    21822  |   1.580083   2.568156     0.62   0.544    -3.698837    6.859003
                     _cons |   27.77395    4.20707     6.60   0.000     19.12619     36.4217
. reg I3631_Coverage_ratio_A Period##treat Period treat A1100_Loans_and_advances_A Total_Liab
> ilities_A ROE_A  ROA_A  Debt_Securities_A  Total_Assets_A i.new_referencearea i.Time, vce (
> cluster new_referencearea)
note: 1.Period omitted because of collinearity
note: 1.Period#1.treat omitted because of collinearity
note: Period omitted because of collinearity
note: treat omitted because of collinearity
note: 27.new_referencearea omitted because of collinearity

Linear regression                               Number of obs     =        439
                                                F(23, 26)         =          .
                                                Prob > F          =          .
                                                R-squared         =     0.8242
                                                Root MSE          =     4.7736

                                   (Std. Err. adjusted for 27 clusters in new_referencearea)
                           |               Robust
    I3631_Coverage_ratio_A |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
                  1.Period |          0  (omitted)
                   1.treat |   26.40972   2.225921    11.86   0.000     21.83428    30.98517
              Period#treat |
                      1 1  |          0  (omitted)
                    Period |          0  (omitted)
                     treat |          0  (omitted)
A1100_Loans_and_advances_A |  -3.50e-09   5.35e-09    -0.65   0.519    -1.45e-08    7.50e-09
       Total_Liabilities_A |   1.69e-08   5.15e-09     3.28   0.003     6.30e-09    2.75e-08
                     ROE_A |  -.5932689     .63963    -0.93   0.362    -1.908047    .7215094
                     ROA_A |   7.931393   7.675989     1.03   0.311    -7.846828    23.70961
         Debt_Securities_A |  -1.40e-07   9.69e-07    -0.14   0.887    -2.13e-06    1.85e-06
            Total_Assets_A |  -1.41e-08   3.31e-09    -4.25   0.000    -2.09e-08   -7.26e-09
         new_referencearea |
             BE (Belgium)  |  -7.546097   1.336614    -5.65   0.000    -10.29355   -4.798648
            BG (Bulgaria)  |   13.71833    4.52217     3.03   0.005     4.422876    23.01378
              CY (Cyprus)  |  -14.18068   1.913676    -7.41   0.000     -18.1143   -10.24706
Thank you so much Statalist community for your help.

Best regards,
Lydia Gad