I am trying to replicate the examples given in the help file for texdoc:

To this end, I compiled the following code from the help file:

texdoc init, logall
Open my native file and draw a scatter plot of price against
milage using the \stcmd{twoway} command and include a linear fit.


        \section{Exercise 1}
        Open the 1978 Automobile Data and summarize the variables.


        texdoc stlog
        sysuse auto
        texdoc stlog close


        \section{Exercise 2}
        Run a regression of price on milage and weight.


        texdoc stlog
        regress price mpg weight
        texdoc stlog close

        \section{Exercise 3}
        And now I will try adding a simple scatterplot.


        texdoc stlog
        scatter price mpg
        texdoc stlog close
        texdoc graph

I have all these commands in a do-file, which I have saved as my_example. Then, I ran

texdoc do my_example.do
and Stata returned:

 scatter price mpg
system limit exceeded - see manual
while continually trying to compile the graph multiple times. Can someone please suggest how this issue can be fixed? Thanks!