Dear Stata Users,

I have a panel data file that follow children every two years for a total of 4 waves (later waves to be added as becoming available). The data contains information of child development indicators, family conditions and parents social economic status, etc. at each wave. I would like to use graphs or tables to display the change of children's conditions from one wave to the next for a series of categorical variables like family structure, parent marital status, parental absence, school grade level etc.

For example, for parental absence (due to migration), I have a category variable showing whether the child has 0, 1, or 2 parents absent from home at each wave of the data. I can use Stata to create a stacked bar chart showing the percent/number of children in each category of parental absence for each wave of the data. However, the bar chart does not show the number / proportion of transitions from one category to another between the adjacent waves. That is , how many or what % of children changed from category 0 to 1 or to 2 from wave 1 to wave 2, etc. I am thinking that if
I can create a line linking a category in one stacked bar to the different categories in the next bar, and each line showing a corresponding number or percent of the transitions, that will be the best. A cross tab frequency table of the wave 1 and wave 2 parental absence variables can show the frequency distributions. But I wonder whether there is any Stata commands for graphs that can do the job.
