I'm trying to replicate the estimations for ordered probit models present in Greene - Econometric Analysis, 8th Edition. These are pooled (1), fixed effects unconditional (2), fixed effects conditional (3), random effects (4), present in table 18.21 of page 879 of the book, chapter 18 Multinomial Choices and Event Counts.

I was able to replicate the first model (polled (1)) by using the ordered probit command:
oprobit hsat age income hhkids educ married working
I tried to find commands to estimate the remaining models, but my understanding after looking around in Statalist and other places is that there is no command in Stata to do this, which I'm finding strange as the author was able to do so. Thus my question is if someone has any idea of how this was done?
I'm attaching a screen shot of table in case it is helpful.

Thanks in advance for your time!
Hélder Costa
