I need to embed a local polynomial graph inside a LaTeX document. In order to keep the proportions between this graph and other objects on my LaTeX slide nice, I want to remove all of the margin below the x-axis title on my graph. I have played around with graphregion(margin(..)) and xti(..., margin(...)) in the following way to try to make this blank space disappear:
sysuse auto.dta, clear lpoly price mpg, scheme(s1mono) yti("Price", margin(zero) size(large)) xti("Miles per Gallon", margin(l=0 r=0 t=3 b=0) size(large)) note(" ") /// msize(tiny) mcol(gs13) lineop(lcol(midblue) lpat(solid)) graphregion(margin(zero)) title(" ", margin(zero)) graph export "your/path/temp.png", replace
Thanks much,
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