I'm using the pv command from the pv package (ssc install pv). It runs a regression for five different values as the dependent variable, and then reports the mean of these.
First time I use it, it's fine. I get all the statistics I need. The second time, I get "no observations" as an error message. But no observations have been deleted from the dataset. My workaround is to first clear and run all my programs again for each regression I want to run. But it is time-consuming and I am curious as to why this happens in the first place.
The code I use is the following:
pv, pv(pv*) weight(TCHWGT) jkzone(JKZONE) jkrep(JKREP) jrr: xtreg @pv indepvar1 indepvar2 [aw=@w], fe vce(cluster IDSTUD)
So the above code works the first time, but if I run it a second time it doesn't, regardless of whether I use the same independent variables or different ones.
Anybody familiar with the pv command, or with the problem in general? I couldn't find anything about it in the help section for the command either.
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