Dear colleagues,
I want your help please,
I received a Do file from windows STATA version, and i am trying to change the file location to run the DO file, but always i am receiving the following message:
​​​​​​. do "/var/folders/4g/ynfywdfn2vxbrm13s3v1slm00000
> gn/T//SD00339.000000"

. cd "Macintosh HD⁩\Users⁩\hasanainshukur⁩\Desktop
> ⁩\PWS AND SLEEP⁩\sleep analysis⁩⁩"
unable to change to Macintosh HD⁩\Users⁩\hasanains
> hukur⁩\Desktop⁩\PWS AND SLEEP⁩\sleep analysis⁩⁩

end of do-file

Can you please help me?

Best wishes.