Dear Stata users,

I am running a probit model with three binary indep. vars. and some other continuous dep. vars. The probit model runs perfectly, however, whenever I want to take the margings (which I only want for the three binary Independent variables), Stata tells me that the "Factor was not found in the list of covariates". I posted the log below. The variables I want the margins of (
drought_025 MMdrought_025 MM_use) are three binary indicators. What can I do to fix this?
Best, Anne

. probit hh_q14 drought_025 MMdrought_025 MM_use hhsize phoneowner wealthscore bankaccount part_assoc, vce(cluster hhid)

Iteration 0: log pseudolikelihood = -912.3496
Iteration 1: log pseudolikelihood = -904.10648
Iteration 2: log pseudolikelihood = -904.04121
Iteration 3: log pseudolikelihood = -904.04102
Iteration 4: log pseudolikelihood = -904.04102

Probit regression Number of obs = 1,585
Wald chi2(8) = 13.38
Prob > chi2 = 0.0993
Log pseudolikelihood = -904.04102 Pseudo R2 = 0.0091

(Std. Err. adjusted for 1,585 clusters in hhid)
| Robust
hh_q14 | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
drought_025 | -.0134295 .2133811 -0.06 0.950 -.4316488 .4047898
MMdrough~025 | -.6939054 .5643085 -1.23 0.219 -1.79993 .4121191
MM_use | -.2033974 .0956013 -2.13 0.033 -.3907726 -.0160223
hhsize | -.0233613 .0143946 -1.62 0.105 -.0515741 .0048516
phoneowner | .2052696 .0794024 2.59 0.010 .0496437 .3608956
wealthscore | .0028154 .0276162 0.10 0.919 -.0513113 .0569422
bankaccount | -.1351624 .1538211 -0.88 0.380 -.4366463 .1663215
part_assoc | .1581335 .1736723 0.91 0.363 -.182258 .4985251
_cons | -.5774606 .103155 -5.60 0.000 -.7796407 -.3752805

. margins drought_025 MMdrought_025 MM_use, post
factor drought_025 not found in list of covariates