
I need help.
I want to make a graph with panel data, in which I must include the trend of the control group and the treatment group in the same graph, since
I need to analyze the trends for the DD method.

I already use this command:
collapse (mean) ltotrob, by(mes institu1)

to find the mean for each month for both the control group and the treatment group.

my data now:
institu1 mes ltotrob
1 4 0.82
0 4 .83
0 5 0.78
1 5 0.79
1 6 0.97
0 6 0.68
0 7 0.31
1 7 0.18
1 8 0.36
0 8 0.86
0 9 0.74
1 9 0.12
0 10 0.82
1 10 0.46
1 11 0.24
0 11 0.78
1 12 0.24
0 12 0.81