After running a logit model, -logit- command with -vce(cluster)-, with continuous-by-continuous interaction, c.x##c.m, I proceed by calculating marginal effects using the -margins- command:
. margins, at(x=(0(2)4) m=(0 65)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Delta-method | Margin Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- _at | 1 | .0014409 .000167 8.63 0.000 .0011137 .0017681 2 | .00019 .000052 3.65 0.000 .0000881 .0002919 3 | 1.84e-26 2.63e-25 0.07 0.944 -4.98e-25 5.35e-25 4 | .0388714 .0345513 1.13 0.261 -.028848 .1065908 5 | 2.18e-49 6.25e-48 0.03 0.972 -1.20e-47 1.25e-47 6 | .6466306 .2712054 2.38 0.017 .1150778 1.178183 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Does anyone know why this could be the case and how the blue line can be continued?
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