I'm getting an inexplicable error from frget that I think can only be explained by it having problems handling multiple nested do-files. Here's the situation: I have a do-file that opens an auxiliary dataset in a separate frame, does a little preparation, and then uses frlink and frget to merge a couple of variables into the main dataset in the default frame (frame file). This do-file gets called from several other do-files which mostly do analysis (analysis file). Ideally, the analysis files are all run from a master do-file which mostly calls all the do-files in order.
So, master file calls analysis file, analysis file calls frame file. However, when I run the master, I get the following error when it gets to the frget command within the frame file:
_frget_vlload(): 3010 attempt to dereference NULL pointer
<istmt>: - function returned error
This happens every time I run the master, but if I run the analysis file solo, or the frame file solo, or even just run the frget command again, it works with no error. If I just run the frame file again after hitting the error, it works with no error. My hypothesis was that somehow frget misses some kind of macro when its called within a nested do-file, but I couldn't replicate it when I took the example from the frlink helpfile and split it into three nested do-files
Is there any fix for this? It's messing with the workflow for this project.
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