
I run a spatial regression using spxregress and after the actual estimation I use the -estat impact- command to get the appropriate effects as per the official sp documentation.

estat impact (charge type x_1 x_2 x_3 x_4)
The output table I want to export is

progress   : 17%  33%  50%  67%  83% 100% 

Average impacts                                 Number of obs     =     15,225

         |            Delta-Method
         |      dy/dx   Std. Err.      z    P>|z|     [95% Conf. Interval]
direct   |
  charge |  -.5511836   .1258423    -4.38   0.000    -.7978301   -.3045372
    type |   1.594935   .5360168     2.98   0.003      .544361    2.645508
     x_1 |   .5373555   .1684826     3.19   0.001     .2071355    .8675754
     x_2 |  -.0785569   .0128696    -6.10   0.000    -.1037809   -.0533329
     x_3 |   .2474383    .028123     8.80   0.000     .1923182    .3025584
     x_4 |   .3461141   .0329348    10.51   0.000     .2815632     .410665
indirect |
  charge |  -.0071823   .1006728    -0.07   0.943    -.2044974    .1901328
    type |   -.010574   .4313936    -0.02   0.980      -.85609     .834942
     x_1 |   .1469457    .200122     0.73   0.463    -.2452862    .5391777
     x_2 |  -.0292657   .0196311    -1.49   0.136     -.067742    .0092106
     x_3 |  -.0202416   .0314594    -0.64   0.520     -.081901    .0414177
     x_4 |  -.0445616   .0298707    -1.49   0.136    -.1031071    .0139838
total    |
  charge |  -.5583659   .1073141    -5.20   0.000    -.7686976   -.3480342
    type |   1.584361   .4509894     3.51   0.000     .7004375    2.468284
     x_1 |   .6843012   .2168397     3.16   0.002     .2593032    1.109299
     x_2 |  -.1078226   .0189423    -5.69   0.000    -.1449488   -.0706964
     x_3 |   .2271966   .0414368     5.48   0.000     .1459821    .3084112
     x_4 |   .3015524   .0410905     7.34   0.000     .2210165    .3820884

end of do-file
Could anyone help me with how to export the above table into excel or LaTex?