So neither of these methods allows me to properly export my matrix with the titles I want. Is there some work-around, or some other export method I don't know about?
clear matrix local rows = 1 local cols 2 capture matrix Kest = J(`rows',`cols',.) mat Kest[1,1]= 1 mat Kest[1,2]= 2 % Try with frmttable frmttable using "${TABLES}/Tab_Kest_A.tex", /// tex statmat(Kest) sdec(3) fragment replace /// ctitle("", "First Est","Second Est") /// rtitle("$ K \equiv \phi_{\varepsilon} / \phi_{\gamma x}$") % Try with outtable matrix rownames Kest = "$ K \equiv \phi_{\varepsilon} / \phi_{\gamma x}$" matrix colnames Kest = "First Est" "Second Est" outtable using "${TABLES}/Tab_Kest_B", /// mat(Kest) replace asis
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