Dear all,
I have a problem with this code, because the first graph export goes well but the second that is "gr export "${output}/2.graf2.jpg", as (jpg) replace", report this error message:

(note: file E:/Tesis/5. BASE DE DATOS/5. Output/2.graf2.jpg not found)
failed to export to the specified format.
It so weird because when I erase the first graph, called "1.graf1.jpg" its code line runs so well. I do not what happening, thanks in advance for your answers.

PD: I attach my line code below.

clear all
use "${regdata}/0.dataoficial.dta"

*** 1. Promedio de curso por exposición
    twoway (histogram prom_curso if ausenpeer2==1, start(0) width(3)  fcolor(none) lcolor(red))       /// 
           (histogram prom_curso if ausenpeer2==2, start(0) width(3) fcolor(none) lcolor(blue))      ///
           (histogram prom_curso if ausenpeer2==3, start(0) width(3)   fcolor(none) lcolor(black)), ///
           ti (Notas de cursos por exposición a ausencia paterna)                                  ///
           yti (Densidad)                                                                         ///
           legend(order(1 "Exposición baja" 2 "Exposición media" 3 "Exposición alta")) 
    gr export "${output}/1.graf1.jpg", as (jpg) replace
*** 2. Ausencia paterna (z-score) por diversas categorias.    
    bys programa: egen ausenmean=mean(ausenpeer) 
    bys programa: egen ausensd=sd(ausenpeer) 
    gen zausen=(ausenpeer-ausenmean)/ausensd
    * Por sexo
    twoway (histogram zausen if sexo==1, start() width(3) color(green%30))                    ///
           (histogram zausen if sexo==0, start() width(3) color(red%30)),                    ///
           ti (Ausencia paterna z-score por sexo)                                           ///
           yti (Densidad)                                                                  ///
           legend(order(1 "Femenino" 2 "Masculino"))
    gr export "${output}/2.graf2.jpg", as (jpg) replace