Hi all,
I need help changing the format of an output. I have tried all the options in help format and help display, but it is still not working. I need stata to show the output using all the digits rather than the scientific notation.
I have tried set cformat but it didn't work- here is my latest try:

. set cformat %9.0fc

. total total_birth_2020 if region_compiled==4 & lbw_final!=., vce(bootstrap,  reps(100) )  
(running total on estimation sample)

Bootstrap replications (100)
----+--- 1 ---+--- 2 ---+--- 3 ---+--- 4 ---+--- 5 
..................................................    50
..................................................   100

Total estimation                  Number of obs   =         19
                                  Replications    =        100

                 |   Observed   Bootstrap         Normal-based
                 |      Total   Std. Err.     [95% Conf. Interval]
total_birth_2020 |   48722283   25515879      -1287922    98732488

. estat bootstrap, all 

Total estimation                                Number of obs     =         19
                                                Replications      =        100

             |    Observed               Bootstrap
             |       Total       Bias    Std. Err.  [95% Conf. Interval]
total~h_2020 |    48722283    2711379    25515879    -1287922   9.87e+07   (N)
             |                                        6617101   1.04e+08   (P)
             |                                        6863454   1.11e+08  (BC)
(N)    normal confidence interval
(P)    percentile confidence interval
(BC)   bias-corrected confidence interval
I would appreciate any help.