Hi Statalist.

I would like to create a few groups based on some of the categories of an existing variable. 'religb' is the respondent variable, 'p_religb' is the partner variable associated with religious affiliation. The same applies to hgsex (sex). The code for 'faith = 2' & 'faith = 3' below are essentially the same but I'm also testing the effect of gender on these different groupings.
gen faith = 1 if religb != p_religb & inlist(religb, 2010, 2030, 2050, 2170, 2250, 2330, 2800) /// couple of differemt religion but same religious group (rel1)
& inlist(p_religb, 2010, 2030, 2050, 2170, 2250, 2330, 2800) 
replace faith = 2 if religb != p_religb & /// 
(hgsex==1 & inlist(religb, 2010, 2030, 2050, 2170, 2250, 2330, 2800) & (p_hgsex==2 & inlist(p_religb, 2110, 2130, 2150, 2270, 2310, 2400))) | /// male respondent + rel1 + female partner + rel2
(p_hgsex==1 & inlist(p_religb, 2010, 2030, 2050, 2170, 2250, 2330, 2800) & (hgsex==2 & inlist(religb, 2110, 2130, 2150, 2270, 2310, 2400))) // male partner + rel1 + female respondent + rel2
replace faith = 3 if religb != p_religb & /// 
(hgsex==2 & inlist(religb, 2010, 2030, 2050, 2170, 2250, 2330, 2800) & (p_hgsex==1 & inlist(p_religb, 2110, 2130, 2150, 2270, 2310, 2400))) | /// female respondent + rel1 + male partner + rel2
(p_hgsex==2 & inlist(p_religb, 2010, 2030, 2050, 2170, 2250, 2330, 2800) & (hgsex==1 & inlist(religb, 2110, 2130, 2150, 2270, 2310, 2400))) // female partner + rel1 + male respondent + rel2
Comments are kindly appreciated.

(A sample of my data)
100014  100015  4 2010 2010
100014  100015  7 2010 2010
100014  100015 10 2010 2010
100014  100015 14    . 2010
100014       . 18 2010    .
100023  100024  4 2400 2400
100023  100024  7 2400 2400
100023  100024 10 2000 2000
100023  100024 14 2400 2400
100023  100024 18 2400 2400
100023  100024  4 2400 2400
100023  100024  7 2400 2400
100023  100024 10 2000 2000
100023  100024 14 2400 2400
100023  100024 18 2400 2400
100025       .  4 2400    .
100025       .  7 2000    .
100025       . 10 2400    .
100025 1200332 14 2400 2000
100025 1200332 18 2030    .
100026 1000535 10 2400 2400
100026 1000535 14 2400 2400
100026 1000535 18 2400 2400
100057 100058  4 2110 2070
100057 100058  7 2110 2070
100057 100058 10 2110 2070
100057 100058 14 2110 2070
100057 100058 18 2110 2070
Tabulation of variable religb (and _N of p_religb is attached below fyi - the difference between the two represents people not in a relationship).