First my dataset: The bins were created by recoding my initial x for a specific date:
recode x*2012xxxx (2000/2500=2500)(2500/3000=3000)(3000/3500=3500)(3500/4000=4000)(4000/4500=4500)(4500/5000=5000)(5000/5500=5000)(5500/6000=5500)(6000/6500=6000)(6500/7000=6500)(7000/max=7000), gen(bin)
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex clear input float(bin change) 0 .08722616 1.9073486e-06 .20833333 .000014781952 .08333334 .000061035156 .125 .01 .28812057 .01999919 .08333334 .02 .2240991 .03 .19109195 .0390625 .6666667 .04 .1875 .04999995 .125 .05 .2847222 .05 .2872807 .06 .2847222 .06 .125 .07 .23214285 .08 .20833333 .09 .28030303 .1 .3333333 .11 .29166666 .12 .24358974 .13 .23958333 .14 .2857143 .15 .3090278 .16 .24264705 .17 .21666667 .18 .19791667 .19 .25462964 .2 .25 .2 .29166666 .21 .21666667 .22 .26190478 .23 .15277778 .24 .20833333 .25 .28333333 .26 .23148148 .26999998 .08333334 .27 .3166667 .28 .20833333 .29 .27314815 .3 .25 .3 .19791667 .31 .30555555 .32 .3583333 .33 .4583333 .33 .27604166 .34 .22222222 .35 .29166666 .36 .08333334 .36 .25833333 .37 .20833333 .38 .22916667 .39 .20833333 .4 .25 .4 .2559524 .41 .2638889 .42 .11111111 .43 .22916667 .44 .29166666 .45 .30555555 .45 .08333334 .46 .20833333 .47 .18333334 .48 .22916667 .49 .30555555 .5 .25 .51 .20833333 .52 .22916667 .53 .40625 .54 .08333334 .55 .20833333 .56 .2 .57 .22916667 .58 .15833333 .59 .2 .6 .20833333 .6 .3020833 .61 .5 .62 .15833333 .63 .4166667 .64 .3333333 .65 .21875 .66 .29166666 .67 .15625 .68 .2777778 .69 .125 .7 .29166666 .71 .4583333 .72 .20833333 .72 .29166666 .73 .08333334 .75 .23333333 .76 .08333334 .77 .4166667 .78 .25 .79 .4583333 .8 .3020833 .81 .22916667 .82 .3333333 .83 .125 end
gen low_limit = change if bin< 4750 & bin> 2000 gen big_limit = change if bin> 5250 twoway connected low_limit big_limit bin if bin != 5000 & bin > 2000, msymbol(D D) xlabel(2500(500)7500) xtitle("") xlabel(3000 "3000" 4000 "4000" 5000 "5000" 6000 "6000" 7000 "7000") ylabel(.30(.10)0.7) ytitle("change") xline(5000) color(red) title("")
, but I havent been able to produce any fruitful result for my context using this approach. Either I get error messages like "invalid syntax" "not valid command" or in case of graphs, they looked completely desastrous.
use temp_data, clear set seed 756124839 levelsof bin_debt, local(bins) /*Bootstrapping*/ foreach b of local bins { bootstrap _b, reps(1000) bca: mean change if bin == `b' estat bootstrap bysort bin: egen upperConf = pctile(change), p(95) bysort bin: egen lowerConf = pctile(change), p(5) } collapse (mean) change (p5) lowerConf = change (p95) upperConf = change, by(bin) /*Graph*/ gen low_limit = change if bin< 4750 & bin> 2000 gen big_limit = change if bin> 5250 local xmin = r(min) local xmax = r(max) twoway (rcap upperConf lowerConf bin, lcolor(gs6) lwidth(medthick)) /// (connected low_limit big_limit bin, mcolor(navy)) /// , xlabel(`bins', valuelabel) graphregion(color(white) icolor(white) lwidth(0)) xtitle("") ytitle("%{&Delta} change") /// legend(off) xscale(alt range(`=`xmin'-0.5' `=`xmax'+0.5')) bgcolor(white) title("`title'")
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