Hello Statalist,
I'm currently trying to to merge two data-sets which contain several matching variables but are missing 1 key variable from each other, my data is organized as follows:

DATA 1 ........................................ DATA 2 ..........................DESIRED DATA
Education Education Education
Job Job Job
Age Age Age
Gender Gender Gender
City City City
Type - Type
- Wage Wage
My data-sets are not of the same size and the common variables are not enough to uniquely identify the matches, for this reason the merge command has been ineffective. DATA 1 is much bigger than DATA 2 so I want to keep only as many matches as can be made with DATA 2.

Thought about using the command "Joinby using DATA2, unmatched(using)" but this returns the error _merge already defined even though the variable does not exist in the dataset and I have not run any other merges before. Is it just impossible to do what I want given my DATA?

Thank you.