date id revenue 2018m7 27712 3786.29 2018m8 27712 4236.72 2018m9 27712 4169.7 2018m10 27712 4539.59 2018m11 27712 5454.84 2018m12 27712 6897.49 2019m1 27712 6770.24 2019m2 27712 7516.784 2017m7 39566 30.38 2017m6 44155 336.15 2017m7 44155 623.25
This is because the firm I work for earns a commision on the revenue of those other firms, hence we want to calculate some indicator of the "duration" of that stream of income before it stops (if you have other ideas regarding that calculation, suggestions are very welcome).
I have come across the user-written command tsspell, and it has proven to be useful, but I am having problems defining the spells with the condition of "at least three months". The command counts a spell as soon as there is a one-month gap between observations, for example:
tsset id fecha, monthly ssc install tsspell tsspell id
date id _spell _seq _end 2018m3 1101931 1 1 0 2018m4 1101931 1 2 0 2018m5 1101931 1 3 1 2018m7 1101931 2 1 1 2018m10 1101931 3 1 1 2019m2 1101931 4 1 1
date id _spell _seq _end 2018m3 1101931 1 1 0 2018m4 1101931 1 2 0 2018m5 1101931 1 3 0 2018m7 1101931 1 4 0 2018m10 1101931 1 5 1 2019m2 1101931 2 1 0
I realize that the calculating of the max includes the spells when the firms "reappear", but that is fine by me (if you have suggestions for calculating the standard deviation of those spells, taking into account that some spells are from the same firms that disappear and then reappear, that would be a very nice extra...)
Thank you very much.
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