Hello All,

I am struggling with the conversion of SPSS 25 data file to STATA 15, MP version.
I have used
1: Direct SPSS export function to STATA 14 SE version, save as option to STATA 14 SE, USESPSS user-defined program.
I keep on getting error 6452 with the SPSS and with usespss (64-bit beta version) I get the following error message

Attempting to convert: C:\Users\krakhra\Documents\OCAN outcome materials\Data resources\Supportive Housing Databse\SwH_FullOCAN_FirstObs_reduced.sav
Processing started: 2019-05-21 4:57:59 PM
Error! Could't open input file. File may be locked by another application.
file C:\Users\krakhra\AppData\Local\Temp\ST_307c_000001 .tmp not found

My question is there another option to convert SPSS to STATA.
Secondly, will STAT/Tranfer able to handel more that 2500 variables. I know my STATA MP version can handle upto 5000 variables.
