Hello everyone,

I have a panel dataset, where the panel variable is industry code (I am doing an industry level analysis).

I am trying to run the following regression -
 xtreg A B C D i.year, fe
This essentially means that I want to see what relationship independent variables B, C, & D have with A, accounting for year specific fixed effects and industry (panel variable) fixed effects.

Running the following model gives no errors -
 xtreg A C D i.year,  fe
In fact, the coefficients and signs are as expected

Upon including variable B, somehow, the results just show a blank dot (.) for all t-statistics, standard errors and F-value/statistic.
Additionally, the R squared values (within, between, overall) all show '1'.

I thought this was a multicolinearity problem, but seeing the correlation table does not show anything very unusual, at least to me -

corr A B C D

| A B C D
A | 1.0000
B | 0.6814 1.0000
C | 0.0781 -0.6765 1.0000
D | 0.2688 0.1620 0.0498 1.0000

Would you have any suggestions as to what I could be doing wrong? Thanks a lot!