
I am importing fixed with data from a .txt file. Here is my code:

cd "...\1973-09-to-2014-06\non-dod\status"

infix id 1-9 name 10-32 filedate 33-40 agency 41-44 ///
station 45-53 age 54-59 educationlevel 60-61 ///
payplan 62-63 grade 64-65 los 66-71 occupation 72-75 ///
occ_cat 76 pay 77-82 supervisory_status 83 appointment 84-85 ///
schedule 86 nsftp ind 87 using Status_Non_DoD_1973_09.txt
Stata returns the error that the dictionary is invalid. I have verified that the .txt file is in the working directory, so I'm unsure why I get this error.

Thank you.