I am writing my thesis using firm-level panel data ranging from 2007 to 2016.
Here is the simple representation of my dataset.
The firms fall into 24 industry categories.
year id industry growth X1 X2 recession 2007 1 10 0.22 0.42 112 0 2008 1 10 0.25 0.22 132 0 2009 1 10 0.21 0.65 128 0 2010 1 10 0.28 0.56 122 0 2011 1 10 0.19 0.47 128 1 2012 1 10 0.18 0.32 129 1 2013 1 10 0.18 0.65 132 1 2014 1 10 0.16 0.55 127 1 2015 1 10 0.19 0.45 122 1 2016 1 10 0.18 0.42 128 1 2007 2 11 0.22 0.21 501 0 2008 2 11 0.24 0.22 499 0 2009 2 11 0.29 0.24 489 0 2010 2 11 0.22 0.26 468 0 2011 2 11 0.24 0.20 496 1 2012 2 11 0.02 0.27 497 1 2013 2 11 0.02 0.18 501 1 2014 2 11 0.10 0.19 458 1 2015 2 11 0.13 0.21 456 1 2016 2 11 0.21 0.22 432 1
I can identify with my data that the year 2011 to 2016 is a recession period so I formulated a recession dummy.
The purpose of my study is to figure out if the explanatory variable X2 has a significant positive or negative effect, especially during the recession period.
Therefore, I performed DID(difference-in-difference) estimation by using an interaction variable between X2 and the recession dummy under the framework of the panel fixed effect model.
I formulated the interaction term 'X2_recession' by manually multiplying X2 to the recession dummy variable and I also generated industry and year dummy variables.
I estimated two models, one with a recession dummy, and the other with individual year dummies.
I understand that industry dummies are time-invariant for most cases and therefore not estimated under the fixed effect model, but I still included them since I found some researches with firm-level fixed effects model considered industry dummies.
The following is the code I used and I got coefficients for industry dummies even though all of them were not significant.
xtreg growth X1 X2 X2_recession recession industry_* fe xtreg growth X1 X2 X2_recession year_* industry_*, fe
Therefore, what I am trying to do is to adopt interaction terms 'X2_recession_industry*' between three variables: X2, the recession dummy, and the industry dummies.
I manually multiplied X2 to 24 industry dummies, creating 'X2_industry*', and again, multiplied recession dummy variable to this, creating 'X2_recession_industry*'.
(Therefore, I have X2_industry1, X2_industry2, X2_industry3, X2_industry4, X2_industry5, X2_industry6, ... , X2_industry24
and X2_recession_industry1, X2_recession_industry2, X2_recession_industry3, X2_recession_industry4, X2_recession_industry5, X2_recession_industry6, ... , X2_recession_industry24.)
The following is the code I am trying to estimate.
xtreg growth X1 X2_industry* X2_recession_industry* recession industry_*, fe xtreg growth X1 X2_industry* X2_recession_industry* year_* industry_*, fe
Most examples I found on DID estimation deal with binary variables only, and I think this may be different from my case.
Here are some questions about my models.
1) (main curiosity) In my revised model, is it okay to include all -24- interaction terms for X2_industry* and X2_recession_industry*? (no reference level?)
When I tried to estimate with all - 24 - interaction variables, STATA gave me coefficients for all the interaction terms.
However, it seems like one needs to include n-1 interaction terms when the interaction terms are the multiplication of binary variables.
If I can include all -24- interaction terms, how do I interpret the result without a base level?
2) Is it wise to include industry dummies just because preceding studies included them? (and also because they are not excluded for collinearity anyway?)
I am still doubting what I have done.
3) Should I include interaction term for all explanatory variables including X1 because a recession is a macroeconomic shock that might affect all economic variables?
The additional effect of X1 during the recession is not my interest and I don't want my model to become too complicated.
I found some literature that considers interaction term between a macro shock and all explanatory variables, but I want to know if it is a necessity for the model's integrity.
Any comment will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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