When I try to do all the files in one loop, I get an error (too many file names). So I did the following outer loop to convert them in groups of 10000 files.
The problem is after 10000 files are converted and saved, I get the error message "observation numbers out of range"
Here is my code:
clear all global maindir "C:/Users/soha_/Desktop/MorningStar/1-Inputs" set trace on *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* // File list filelist , dir("$maindir/Historical Assets/Assets_csv") pattern(*.csv) norecur // save a copy so that we can load each observation in the loop below tempfile files save "`files'" local rangeinitial=1 forvalues r = 0(5000)360000 { //366715 local range1 = `rangeinitial' + `r' local range2 = `range1' + 4999 cd "$maindir/Historical Assets" forvalues i=`range1'/`range2' { use "`files'" in `i', clear local f = dirname + "/" + filename local filename = filename insheet using "`f'", clear local name: subinstr local filename ".csv" "" save "Assets_dta/`name'.dta", replace } }
- local range1 = `rangeinitial' + `r'
= local range1 = 1 + 10000
- local range2 = `range1' + 4999
= local range2 = 10001 + 4999
- cd "$maindir/Historical Assets"
= cd "C:/Users/soha_/Desktop/MorningStar/1-Inputs/Historical Assets"
C:\Users\soha_\Desktop\MorningStar\1-Inputs\Historical Assets
- forvalues i=`range1'/`range2' {
= forvalues i=10001/15000 {
- use "`files'" in `i', clear
= use "C:\Users\soha_\AppData\Local\Temp\ST_00000001.tmp" in 10001, clear
observation numbers out of range
local f = dirname + "/" + filename
local filename = filename
insheet using "`f'", clear
local name: subinstr local filename ".csv" ""
save "Assets_dta/`name'.dta", replace
0 Response to Loop over a huge number of files
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