tempfile baseline
save `baseline'

cd "/Users/kalikyo/Desktop/Anthony/Uganda/2022 second term analysis/Endline ns"

*This indicates the folder location on your computer. All endline files for both CONTROL AND TREATMENT and NO OTHER EXCEL FILES must be here. Probably safest not have any other files here, no matter the extension.

xls2dta, replace: import excel ., firstrow

xls2dta, clear  : merge 1:1 uuid, force
I am trying to import 2 files from the following directory. I have verified that the directory I specified is correct even so I am receiving the following error

. xls2dta, replace: import excel ., firstrow
file ./~ Endline Cleaned.xlsx not found

This error does not really make sene to me because I have used these commands to import files previously, what am I missing?