I am working with a database and I have two doubts:
1) is there any way that in the x-axis I can only show the year (leaving not visible the month and days). Some time Nick helped me to modify the axis, but I have tried that way and the axis does not look good at all. I used tlabel(, format(%dM/CY)), but as I don't know the STATA number I can't manipulate the axis with the dates.
I would like to do something like what I show you in the attached image
2) the base that I imported already had the dates and STATA recognized it well, but I would like to clone the variable where I have the date and from there pass it to the pure format of STATA and with it I can work in the part of the axes (for example 1/2/2012 -> 18994).
Thanks for your attention colleagues!!!
clear input int fecha double tdc 18994 13.9342 18995 13.6882 18996 13.7144 18997 13.7409 18998 13.7228 19001 13.7437 19002 13.6204 19003 13.6592 19004 13.5982 19005 13.6263 19008 13.5401 19009 13.4621 19010 13.3267 19011 13.2516 19012 13.224 19015 13.1383 19016 13.1712 19017 13.1319 19018 12.9325 19019 12.9504 19022 13.0063 19023 13.0077 19024 12.89 19025 12.8038 19026 12.712 19030 12.6472 19031 12.6833 19032 12.72 19033 12.7857 19036 12.7392 19037 12.7753 19038 12.7658 19039 12.8822 19040 12.7856 19043 12.6793 19044 12.7408 19045 12.8296 19046 12.8294 19047 12.8675 19050 12.8779 19051 12.8575 19052 12.7891 19053 12.7764 19054 12.7723 19057 12.8339 19058 12.9777 19059 12.9469 19060 12.784 19061 12.6299 19064 12.715 19065 12.6336 19066 12.6719 19067 12.6591 19068 12.6645 19072 12.6935 19073 12.6833 19074 12.833 19075 12.8035 19078 12.6795 19079 12.6706 19080 12.8039 19081 12.8489 19082 12.8093 19085 12.7691 19086 12.7317 19087 12.8155 19092 12.9902 19093 13.1568 19094 13.1324 19095 13.0736 19096 13.1458 19099 13.2168 19100 13.0816 19101 13.1322 19102 13.2288 19103 13.1171 19106 13.2087 19107 13.1392 19108 13.1667 19109 13.2093 19110 13.0141 19113 12.9942 19115 12.9629 19116 12.9725 19117 13.1344 19120 13.1659 19121 13.3374 19122 13.515 19123 13.447 19124 13.4929 19127 13.6739 19128 13.7302 19129 13.7747 19130 13.7994 19131 13.7809 19134 13.7935 19135 13.7203 19136 14.0335 19137 14.004 19138 14.0156 end format %tdnn/dd/CCYY fecha tsset fecha tsline tdc
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