Dear Statalist:
I have been using the user-written -coefplot- (authored by Ben Jann). It's great. I have run into an unexpected problem though--I have an analysis using restricted data, and every time I make even the smallest change to the figure, I need to get permission from the staff there to make sure it is isn't violating confidentiality. So if I change colors, or the title, or a note at the bottom, I would need to clear it and go through that bureaucracy. There are good reasons for why I have to do this, but it's been making it very tricky to deal with.
Officially, I only have to clear the values on the graph; it is considered completely fine for me to clear a table with all of the values I plan to graph, and then graph it at home. I've done this successfully in the past, but -coeplot- runs on stored estimates, and our attempts to trick -coefplot- into reading in the values we want graphed have not been successful. So here are our options, as I see them:
1) Keep going back to the restricted data office every time we catch a typo in our text
2) Re-do the coefficient plot from Stata in Excel so that we can mess with it at the home office
3) Find a way to save the stored estimates, clear the stored estimates with the restricted data office, and then read in the estimates from memory into a file we can load into what we're doing at the home office
4) Find a way to use the coefficient and standard error and other values that we have already cleared with the data office, put them in a format -coefplot- recognizes, and make it at our home office
Of these, #4 seems like it would be most preferable but we've also failed at this. Does anyone have any experience that would help us resolve this issue? We love the command, but we're a bit stuck.
Thank you for your time,
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