
Please see below, how would I multiply the observation by the number that is stated as the variable "number"?

For example, in bold, there are 142410 people who are in "full-time employment", from "England", and inclusive of "all" kinds of qualifications. However, this row of criteria is counted as 1 obervation by stata instead of 141210. How would I correct this? Would I need to multiply these rows by the number stated in the "number" column? So that I generate 142410 rows of "Full-time employment" "England" "All"?

Many thanks for any advice.

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str53 activity str20 domicile str46 levelofqualificationobtained long number
"Full-time employment" "England"              "All"              142410
"Full-time employment" "Non-European Union"   "All"               30835
"Full-time employment" "Northern Ireland"     "All"                6705
"Full-time employment" "Not known"            "All"                  10
"Full-time employment" "Other European Union" "All"               13180
"Full-time employment" "Other UK"             "All"                 450
"Full-time employment" "Scotland"             "All"               13350
"Full-time employment" "Total"                "All"              214660
"Full-time employment" "Total UK"             "All"              170630
"Full-time employment" "Total non-UK"         "All"               44015
"Full-time employment" "Wales"                "All"                7720
"Full-time employment" "England"              "All"              153275
"Full-time employment" "Non-European Union"   "All"               32530
"Full-time employment" "Northern Ireland"     "All"                7135
"Full-time employment" "Not known"            "All"                  10
"Full-time employment" "Other European Union" "All"               14340
"Full-time employment" "Other UK"             "All"                 490
"Full-time employment" "Scotland"             "All"               14425
"Full-time employment" "Total"                "All"              230595
"Full-time employment" "Total UK"             "All"              183715
"Full-time employment" "Total non-UK"         "All"               46870
"Full-time employment" "Wales"                "All"                8390
"Full-time employment" "England"              "All"              116625
"Full-time employment" "Non-European Union"   "All"               29430
"Full-time employment" "Northern Ireland"     "All"                5070
"Full-time employment" "Other European Union" "All"               12025
"Full-time employment" "Other UK"             "All"                 385
"Full-time employment" "Scotland"             "All"               11150
"Full-time employment" "Total"                "All"              180850
"Full-time employment" "Total UK"             "All"              139390
"Full-time employment" "Total non-UK"         "All"               41455
"Full-time employment" "Wales"                "All"                6160
"Full-time employment" "England"              "All"              126910
"Full-time employment" "Non-European Union"   "All"               31075
"Full-time employment" "Northern Ireland"     "All"                5470
"Full-time employment" "Other European Union" "All"               13150
"Full-time employment" "Other UK"             "All"                 425
"Full-time employment" "Scotland"             "All"               12190
"Full-time employment" "Total"                "All"              196025
"Full-time employment" "Total UK"             "All"              151795
"Full-time employment" "Total non-UK"         "All"               44225
"Full-time employment" "Wales"                "All"                6805
"Full-time employment" "England"              "All"               25785
"Full-time employment" "Non-European Union"   "All"                1405
"Full-time employment" "Northern Ireland"     "All"                1630
"Full-time employment" "Not known"            "All"                  10
"Full-time employment" "Other European Union" "All"                1155
"Full-time employment" "Other UK"             "All"                  60
"Full-time employment" "Scotland"             "All"                2200
"Full-time employment" "Total"                "All"               33810
"Full-time employment" "Total UK"             "All"               31240
"Full-time employment" "Total non-UK"         "All"                2560
"Full-time employment" "Wales"                "All"                1560
"Full-time employment" "England"              "All"               26365
"Full-time employment" "Non-European Union"   "All"                1455
"Full-time employment" "Northern Ireland"     "All"                1665
"Full-time employment" "Not known"            "All"                  10
"Full-time employment" "Other European Union" "All"                1190
"Full-time employment" "Other UK"             "All"                  60
"Full-time employment" "Scotland"             "All"                2240
"Full-time employment" "Total"                "All"               34570
"Full-time employment" "Total UK"             "All"               31920
"Full-time employment" "Total non-UK"         "All"                2645
"Full-time employment" "Wales"                "All"                1585
"Full-time employment" "England"              "All postgraduate"  46175
"Full-time employment" "Non-European Union"   "All postgraduate"  25445
"Full-time employment" "Northern Ireland"     "All postgraduate"   1750
"Full-time employment" "Not known"            "All postgraduate"     10
"Full-time employment" "Other European Union" "All postgraduate"   8365
"Full-time employment" "Other UK"             "All postgraduate"    120
"Full-time employment" "Scotland"             "All postgraduate"   4720
"Full-time employment" "Total"                "All postgraduate"  89090
"Full-time employment" "Total UK"             "All postgraduate"  55270
"Full-time employment" "Total non-UK"         "All postgraduate"  33810
"Full-time employment" "Wales"                "All postgraduate"   2505
"Full-time employment" "England"              "All postgraduate"  47405
"Full-time employment" "Non-European Union"   "All postgraduate"  26400
"Full-time employment" "Northern Ireland"     "All postgraduate"   1790
"Full-time employment" "Not known"            "All postgraduate"     10
"Full-time employment" "Other European Union" "All postgraduate"   8720
"Full-time employment" "Other UK"             "All postgraduate"    125
"Full-time employment" "Scotland"             "All postgraduate"   4820
"Full-time employment" "Total"                "All postgraduate"  91850
"Full-time employment" "Total UK"             "All postgraduate"  56720
"Full-time employment" "Total non-UK"         "All postgraduate"  35120
"Full-time employment" "Wales"                "All postgraduate"   2575
"Full-time employment" "England"              "All postgraduate"  29665
"Full-time employment" "Non-European Union"   "All postgraduate"  24155
"Full-time employment" "Northern Ireland"     "All postgraduate"    985
"Full-time employment" "Other European Union" "All postgraduate"   7350
"Full-time employment" "Other UK"             "All postgraduate"     75
"Full-time employment" "Scotland"             "All postgraduate"   3415
"Full-time employment" "Total"                "All postgraduate"  67325
"Full-time employment" "Total UK"             "All postgraduate"  35815
"Full-time employment" "Total non-UK"         "All postgraduate"  31510
"Full-time employment" "Wales"                "All postgraduate"   1675
"Full-time employment" "England"              "All postgraduate"  30645
"Full-time employment" "Non-European Union"   "All postgraduate"  25075
"Full-time employment" "Northern Ireland"     "All postgraduate"   1020
"Full-time employment" "Other European Union" "All postgraduate"   7680