Hi all,

First of all, the best wishes for 2023!

I am struggling with my last placebo test (in-space) for my research and I have really no clue what is going wrong.
I research the effect of treatment of one country on 3 different transport sectors using the synthetic control. Right now I want to perform the in-space placebo test for the last sector.
I use the same command as I did before:

allsynth air_tkm lag_air_tkm air_departures gdp_capita population emp(1981(1)2008) pl_x(1970(1)2008) pl_m(1970(1)2008), trunit(70) trperiod(2004) unitnames(country) keep(placebo1c.dta, replace) pvalues gapfigure(classic lineback, save(air)) nested allopt
However, now I get this weird error which confuses me, it says: air_depa_X2 does not exist as a (numeric) variable in dataset (r198)

If I drop air_departures the code does run! If I change the position of air_departures in the code it changes the error in air_depa_X1 or air_depa_X3 does not exist.
The format is (double) %10.0g, which is the same as for instance gap_capita. So, this should not be the problem as well. I cannot find any missing variables. I really don't understand why it does not run.
If I do the normal code again (so without the "values gapfigure(classic linebacker, save(air))" it does run.

Did someone encounter the same error and knows how to solve it? Or does anyone know how I can figure out what goes wrong? Like I said, I am clueless at the moment.
For the other sectors I could run the code without any problem.

Thank you in advance!