I estimate different panel data models and then I try to export the results to excel using xml_tab user-written command (I know that there are possibly better ways to do that including the new table command. But I have been using xml_tab for so many years that I am familiar with it).
When doing so, I receive the following error message:
year: factor variable base category conflict
xml_tab tab4_a tab4_b tab4_c tab4_d_1 tab4_d_2 tab4_d_3, title ("Tab4") wide below sd stats (N r2_p) font ("dcr10" 11) sheet(mytable) keep ($H $ownH lncr lnlev lnfm lnrg_cap_r lnta) notes("None.") save("Tables\Tables.xml")
1) Do you have any idea why this happens;
2) How can I fix it?
Thanks in advance,
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