
I would like to have the dependent variables of my regressions listed in the left column and the independent variables because I have a lot a regression results that will not fit in the width of a word document.

I have found what I think should fix the problem in the "outreg2" help file but the example code does not work in my Stata version 16.1.

I am using the "long" option but I am getting an error when I copy/paste the code:

    sysuse auto, clear
    tab rep78, gen(repair)
    regress mpg foreign weight repair1-repair4
    outreg2 weight foreign using myfile, drop(repair*)

    outreg2 using myfile, drop(repair*) replace
    outreg2 using myfile, keep(mpg foreign)
    outreg2 using myfile, nocons
    * multiple equations
    reg3 (mpg rep78 head trunk weight) (head trunk weight rep78 gear)
    outreg2 using myfile, replace long
    reg3 (mpg rep78 head weight turn disp ) (mpg rep78 head trunk weight gear)
    outreg2 using myfile, sortvar(trunk turn) see long
Can someone help me there? Thanks